Saturday, September 7, 2019

Princes' Gates

The gateway to the Exhibition Place in Toronto was built in 1927 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Canadian confederation. It was named 'Princes' Gates' as its opening coincided with the visits of Edward, Prince of Wales and Prince George at that time. (Price Edward was later crowned as King of the United Kingdom in 1936. He stepped down in the same year, but that is a whole different story and it has nothing to do with this marvelous structure).

The Goddess of Winged Victory statue adorns the central high arch gate and is surrounded by various smaller statues. The nine pillars on either side of the gate represent the nine Canadian provinces at that time (the province of 'Newfoundland and Labrador' joined the confederation after a referendum in 1949).

Inside of the victory arch.

View from inside of Exhibition Place.

The structure is flanked by water fountains on each end. These are topped by the statues representing agriculture and industry with Ontario coat of arms in the middle.

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