Monday, May 10, 2021

Sweet Cheery, Plum or Apricot

This year I was not able to visit Cheery blossom at High Park due to COVID restrictions but I spotted a resemblant tree in the neighborhood a few days ago. It was laden with huge bunches of beautiful white flowers. Identifying a tree can be quite challenging to an untrained eye despite google's help. A lot of trees seemed to have a similar kind of blossom. I was not sure that whether it was a Cheery tree, Plum, Apricots, or some other flowering tree from a related family.  Its bark gave some important clues and then a mobile app finally decided the matter in favor of the Sweet Cheery tree. 

But whatever the type, this bloom is awesome and deserves to be cherished. I hope that the next year I would be able to visit cheery blossom at High Park in person.

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