Saturday, May 29, 2021

Nesting atop a Muskrat lodge

Muskrats look like beavers but are much smaller in size. Unlike beavers, they are not into felling trees and building dam business. However, they do like to build their homes somewhat similar to the beaver lodges in or around water bodies. When Canadian Geese return from their winter vacations from the south, they prefer to nest near water with a good view of surroundings. Thus, Muskrat lodges in small ponds are one of their favorites. 

This goose nest is in the center of a little pond at Tyler Creek Park near Dawes Road. The geese will stay here till hatchings occur. Muskrats won’t bother them at all.

The other partner was grazing around the pond and keeping an eye on the surroundings.

This seems like a one-sided symbiotic relationship heavily in favor of the geese. So why do Muskrats tolerate such an intrusion into their homes? I would like to think that they are gracious hosts and like the occasional company.

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