Tuesday, June 11, 2019

that real essence of a moment ...

Last time, when I was at Spadina Historic House, everything was covered in snow. Now Summer is here and everything is green and bright. Today I went back there to take a shot from the same vantage point. 

While I was standing there, I felt that one can easily capture the shifting mood of seasons though lense. Video and sounds surely add more facets to this experience. Virtual reality goes a step further but we still need much more in our quest to acquire and preserve that real essence of a moment. The smell of freshly falling flakes, the crunch of snow under shoes, that chill in the wind, feeling of the warm summer sun on the skin, the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, a whiff of scent from some passing stranger, all these can't be captured yet.

But then again, the subjective experience of a moment entails much more than these sensory inputs. It varies from person to person based on past experiences, cultural backgrounds, emotional states, moods, and myriad other things.

What would be that world when sharing of such experiences becomes possible, even commonplace like capturing and sharing of simple images. I believe that such a world is not too far away in the human future. I feel a deep longing to exist in such a world.

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