Saturday, June 8, 2019

Peaceful Coexistence

Canadian geese are migratory birds that move to the north during summer. During that time, one can see them grazing in the parks and wandering through the city. Sometimes you see a whole group crossing a busy road and the whole traffic comes to a halt. Everyone waits patiently to allow them to go across safely. I spotted the above pair grazing peacefully in the front lane of Ontario Legislature a few days ago.

This one was taking a nap on a side lawn of the University of Toronto after a long day (of study!) I guess. Sensing my presence, it opened its eyes, looked at me for a while and then went into that Zen state again.  

This is one of the things that I love about Canada. Wild animals feel safe here around humans. This fills my heart with joy and it makes me crave for more. I dream of a world where our dwellings are part of nature. Where other living beings are not kept in zoos and aquariums. They are not farmed and butchered or even kept as pets. A world, free of all and any form of animal slavery. I am talking about a peaceful coexistence where we merge with our environment and are able to form free associations and respectful friendships with all other creatures.

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