Monday, June 3, 2019

Ontario Legislative Building

Ontario Legislative Building, located in the southern half of Queen's Park, is the seat of the parliament of Ontario province. 

This majestic, pink sandstone building is heavily carved with intricate designs and is surrounded by a number of Statutes and monuments.

Canadian's favorite Queen, Queen Victoria on her high throne.

William Mackenzie and struggle for responsible government monuments are situated west of the assembly building. Mackenzie's efforts led to the introduction of responsible government in 1849 and later to the formation of Canada as a nation in 1867.

From top to bottom (clockwise), statues of Sir John A Macdonald (1815-1891) 1st Prime Minister of Canada, John S Macdonald (1812-1872) 1st Premier of Ontario province, George Brown (1818 -1880) Premier of Ontario and one of the Fathers of Confederation, John Simcoe (1752-1806) 1st Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada who also founded city of York (now Toronto) and was instrumental in abolition of slavery in Canada.

The Ontario Veterans Memorial is a 30-meter-long wall in the south lawn of Legislative building. It portrays scenes from the Canadian military's participation in war and peace since 1867.

North-West rebellion (1885) memorial.

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