Thursday, July 22, 2021

Urban Wildflowers in July

Last month I covered a few wildflowers that I photographed along the Tylor Greek Trail. But these hardy plants are not just limited to the open spaces. There are a lot more of them hiding in plain sight within the city along sidewalks, around car parks, and untended front lawns. They just require a tiny bit of dirt and moisture to secure a foothold and flourish.

This list is not exhaustive. I am sure that many more are lurking around.

Common Chicory or Blue Dandelion
Field Mustard
Cowbells (Bladder Campion)
Field Bindweed
Perennial Sowthistle
Wild Carrots or Queen Anne's Lace
Bouncing-bet or Common Soapwort
Creeping Bellflower
Smooth Brome or Russian Bromegrass
Monarch Butterfly on Viper's bugloss
Fowl Bluegrass
Bull Thistle

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