Sunday, June 13, 2021

Little Wonders

There are humble weeds, tiny wildflowers, and strange seed pods all along the trail. Take a closer look and there is a wonder and marvel in each and every one of them. Some are native, others are invasive, some have even relatives in high places. They are all part of a sophisticated web of life. Each one has a part to play and they all bring joy to the wandering eyes.

Here are a few that I was able to identify through the web.

Annual fleabane is native to North America. Looks like Daisy flower but is much smaller in size. It was believed to repel fleas, hence the name. 

The insect on the right is probably a ligated furrow bee which is a kind of sweet bee.

Summer Lilac was introduced from Europe, considered invasive now.

Germander speedwell.

Milkweed fluff. This one is from the last month when Milkweed pods were opening.

Dwarf honeysuckle. Native to Europe; now considered an invasive weed.

Yellow salsify seed head.

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