Saturday, June 12, 2021

Little Gosling and Family

The last time when I visited this little pond in the Tylor Creek Park, mother Goose was sitting in its nest atop a Muskrat lodge. Today, the nest was empty and the Geese family was wandering by the edge of the pond along with a pair of Mallard ducks. 

The parents seemed very protective of their only child. As soon as I took the first picture, they took little gosling into the grass. One parent started to move towards me to investigate.

Canadian Geese can be aggressive at times while protecting their family, so I slowly moved away.

Later, on my way back, I found the whole family resting nearby. Although, parents were keeping an eye around even in this state. The gosling seems well hidden in this picture due to its natural camouflage. Can you see it? It is somewhere in the upper left quarter.

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