Monday, April 15, 2019

Gulgee in ROM

In a little corner of South Asian section in the Royal Ontario Museum, there is a painting by Gulgee. It is titled:

Panchtan Paak
Gulgee (1926-2007)
Oil on canvas
Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1978

Its description says:

One of the most celebrated artists from present-day Pakistan, Gulgee was a self-taught artist who brought together abstract form, Islamic calligraphy, and American-style "action" painting. The artistic practice of calligraphy is a central part of Islamic art, combining image and text into a purely abstract form. Gulgee‘s interpretation of Islamic calligraphy into a gestural art that is at once both spontaneous and controlled, was meant to inspire awe. It brought together past and present, religious spirituality and a secular exploration of medium and form.

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