Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Gardiner Museum

Gardiner is Canada's national ceramic museum that houses ancient American, classic European, Japanese, Chinese and modern collections along with a contemporary exhibition gallery. At the time of the visit, a special exhibition of Ai Weiwei's work was on display.

The museum also offers clay classes for adults and children plus lectures and other related programs throughout the year.

Earthware from the classic Maya period
Deity Effigy Funerary Urn (AD 500-700), Zapotec Civilization, Mexico and Bat Effigy Vessel (AD 1000-1500), Tairrona culture, Colombia.

The Renaissance Pharmacy - European Gallery
The Monkey Orchestra (Germany 1765 AD)
Chestnut Basket (England 1768-70)
Sugar and Porcelain sculpture for the desert - European Porcelain Gallery
Above is an 18th-century dessert table recreation by renowned food historian Ivan Day in the style of great Italian chef (and scholar) Vincenzo Corrado. Everything is made out of sugar-paste (a mixture of powdered sugar and a natural edible gum). Such elegant banquets were once all the rage in his native Naples.

Japanese Porcelain Section
Porcelain originated in China and remained a secret of the Far East until the early 18th century. Its main ingredient is Kaolin, which is a white clay mineral.

Heaven and Earth (Japan 1680-1700)

In the modern era, ceramics are mainly a medium of sculptural expression.

Horse with baggage by Jean-Pierre Larocque (2005-06) 
Goblin Orchid by Shary Boyle - 2010
Lady Cat and Monk by Sergei Isupov (2012) and Janet Macpherson (2014) respectively.

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