Saturday, April 13, 2019

Aga Khan Museum

Aga Khan Museum is a museum of Islamic art and culture in Toronto. Its collection includes artifacts from Iranian, Turkish, Moorish Spain, North African and Muslim-Indian civilizations. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions on current themes and performing arts programs throughout the year.

Qur'an - 11th century Iran - Ink, watercolor, and gold on paper

Kalmat e Dimashtanus (Demosthenes) from the manuscript of ‘Al-Kalima al-Ruhaniya wa al-Hikma al-Yunaniya' (The spiritual Word and Greek Philosophy) from 13th century Iraq. Demosthenes was a 4th century BC orator and statesman from Greece.

There seems to be no aversion to the human images and figures in such books from the earlier Muslim period. In some cases, even holy personalities were depicted in pictorial form.

The constellation Cancer from ‘Kitab Suwar al-Kawakib al-Thabita (Book of the Images of Fixed Stars) by ‘Abd-al-Rahman al Sufi’ (d. 986) from Iran 1625-50.

Fountain - Syria 16th century
Box - Spain 16th century

Wood panel from 15th century Iran. The inscription belongs to a section of a ghazal by Persian poet Hafiz (d. 1390).

Revetment Tiles from 15th century Syria
Hunter's Horn or Oliphant - Sicily 12th century

A (very rich!) beggar’s bowl or ‘Khaskul’ from 16th century Iran. These were used by Muslim mystics to collect donations of food and money.

Shell - 17th century India

That celestial orb called Moon. A five-meter sphere by Luke Jerram, part of 'The Moon: Voyage Through Time' exhibition.

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