Monday, June 15, 2020

Contrails or Chemtrails

I was trying to photograph day time Moon when this passenger plane appeared overhead. These wispy line-shaped clouds are called Contrails (short for "condensation trails") and are formed by engine exhaust at high altitudes. These are mostly water ice and can also help to increase cloudiness in a given area. Conspiracy theorists call them "Chemtrails" and believe that certain chemicals are being sprayed through these trails by the government to control the general public.

Here is another attempt that is marginally better than the above snap. I think this has the potential to be turned into a hobby like birdwatching or trainspotting. One can take snaps and catalogue different types of planes and mark their schedules. 

Update: Aircraft spotting is already an established hobby along with 'Bus spotting' and 'Satellite watching' according to Wikipedia.

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