Saturday, October 26, 2019

Spadina House Through Seasons

Spadina Historic House on March 31, June 11 and October 26, 2019, respectively.

Nuit Blanche at Spadina

Remnants of a temporary art installation at Spadina Gardens from the 'Nuit Blanche' held on October 5, 2019.

Nuit Blanche (White Night in French) is an annual contemporary art event in which Toronto's art community completes various projects in one night from dusk to dawn. 

This year around 90 such projects were completed throughout the city. The full installation at Spadina Gardens included a large number of illuminated orbs made from recycled plastic bottles. The artwork named 'Plastiche Gardens' was created by OnePath Collective.

K'san Village House Posts

Cedarwood carved statues by Fedelia O'Brien, Murphy Green and Chuck Heit at Spadina Subway Station entrance.

'Ksan is a historical village of Gitxsan Indigenous people in British Columbia. These statutes portraying an owl, a wolf, and a hawk were sculpted by the artists from Gitxsan Tribe in 1979. Traditional Gitxsan house posts are used as support columns inside a house.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Keele Wall

This mural near the eastern exit of Keele Subway Station is definitely the biggest one that I have seen so far Its central messianic figure has remained constant through years while space around has been painted and repainted many times over. The central artwork was created by the HSA crew in 2012.

The word 'Midas' in the mural refers to the 'Midas Automotive Service Center' that is located on the other side of this wall. One website refers to this godly figure as the King Midas of Greek Mythology but I am not sure about that.

Shipp's First High Flier

"Harold G. Shipp's First High Flier" mural by John Kuna (2008) in the Islington area.

This two-part mural refers to a local incident in 1944, where an attempt to drop leaflets during a high school game was thwarted by the high winds and resulted in mayhem to the nearby fields.