Sunday, May 12, 2019

Cheery Blossom in High Park

In Japanese cultural tradition, 'Sakura' or cheery blossoms represent the transient nature of life, its beauty, and fragility. These flowers are pervasive in Japanese art, films, anime and manga comics. 

Cheery trees in High Park were also donated by the government and the people of Japan. Now every year during its short-lived bloom, thousands visit the park and appreciate this exquisite display.

The main concentration of cherry trees is on the cheery hill near Gardiner pond. 

Some cheery buds were still waiting for the right moment to face the world while others were garnishing the views around. 

I came early to avoid the crowds but soon there were so many people around the cherry trees that it became impossible to spot a tree without dozens of people around.

By the time I returned, there were so many people coming and going through the High Park Subway that long queues were needed to just get into the station.

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