Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Graffiti Alley

In most of the places, graffiti is considered a kind of vandalism; writing or drawing that is done without permission. But here in Toronto, it has morphed into something unique and beautiful. In 2011, it was legalized under certain conditions and now every year city invites applications under Street Art program. It is an ingenious solution to vandalism that not only makes streets beautiful but it also nurtures emerging talent and encourages budding artists.

The center of this artistic expression is located in a back alley between Queen and Richmond streets in the western part of downtown. However, since it is a back alley, you might encounter potholes and smelly trash cans too. On a rainy day, it can be a bit messy.

Murals and graffiti are usually done on the side walls but at one place, the whole building is covered with these murals.

In most of the places, it is actually quite chaotic. Various artists compete for artistic space and nothing seems permanent. Your creation has to be exceptionally good to stay for long.

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