Sunday, August 18, 2013

Seicho-no-Ie – The House of Growth

I wanted to sit quietly on the backbenches and watch the whole proceedings from there. But that was not possible in a big hall filled with just eleven people. Japanese priest welcomed me and I have to introduce myself. Then in his halting English, he talked about this new age religion and philosophy. This Japan based movement was started by Dr. Masaharu Taniguchi in 1930. It combines the basic elements from Buddhism, Christianity and Shintoism (which is the ancient spiritual tradition of Japan).  Seicho-no-Ie or the house of growth puts emphasis on gratitude for nature, the family and ancestors. Above all, they believe in one universal God. This facility is located just a few steps from where I live. After watching it day after day, finally curiosity got better of me and I ventured in. 

The atmosphere inside this Japanese style wooden temple was that of calm and serenity. After the service, every one thanked and hugged me as I was some long lost friend or a family member. This was rather a strange and moving experience for me. There is such an infinite variety of human beliefs and faiths. Just a different set of believing can change one’s whole perspective about this world, life and fellow beings.

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