Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Snowglow at midnight and nocturnal sun

It is mid-night. The ground is enshrouded with thick snow. Cloud cover is complete and fresh snow is falling. Yet, the outside looks nearly as bright as a day. There is no heavenly body to illuminate the earth but the light is everywhere, seemly coming from nowhere. 

The first time you experience that, it gives you an eerie feeling. However, the explanation turns out to be a simple one. City lights are being amplified by snow on the ground and white clouds above. It is actually light pollution at its worst and it can mess with animal behaviors and vegetation alike.

While trying to understand this surreal experience, I also came across another atmospheric phenomenon called ‘Nocturnal Sun’ or ‘Bright Night’ on the internet.  It is extremely rare and happens on clear nights when the interaction between charged particles enhances airglow in the upper atmosphere. I wonder if that may also be responsible for some mystical experiences reported in religious societies.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Graffiti near Victoria Park and Gerrard

This is a rather recent addition to Toronto's ever-expanding graffiti and mural collection. An unnamed lane behind 2450 Gerrard Street East up to the Dengate Road was painted in December 2020 and January 2021. It is colorful and looks very fresh and bright. There is no central theme here just different wordings were added by various graffiti artists. 

There are also some old murals and graffiti on the western side of the lane towards Dengate Road.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Bell Estate Mural

This underpass mural is painted at the eastern side of Warden underpass near Danforth intersection. Its description reads:

"This mural illustrates the Bell estate's beautiful fieldstone house built in 1830. Just east of Warden Avenue which was designated as a historic site in 2011 and still stands today. Established on the property was Bell's Scarbrough Dairy which flourished from 1931 to 1943. The A.H. Mitchell Grocery Store was located on Kingston Road and made deliveries in the area by horse and buggy. The centre column features Oak trees, the red Canadian Maple and Birch trees which represent the Oakridge and Birchcliff communities."

Artist: De Anne Lamirande (2013)

Scarborough Bluffs and Lady Simcoe Mural

This is an underpass mural located near Danforth and Warden Avenues intersection. It was created by the Muralist De Anne Lamirande in 2013. Its plaque provides a comprehensive description of the mural.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Veterans Mural in Oakridge

This mural was created to honor veterans on Canada's 150th anniversary in 2017. It is located on the southern wall of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch Number 73 in Oakridge.

Artist: Magicfinnga WonG

Partner Organization: Rexdale Community Health Centre.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 73, Oakridge

The Royal Canadian Legion is a non-profit organization for Canadian veterans. Founded in 1925, it has now close to 250,000 members in 1,350 Branches throughout the country.

Wise Choice

One can’t miss this big bird at the intersection of Danforth and Pharmacy avenues. According to the net, it is a neighborhood icon since 1976. At that time, MacMillan Auto Sales added it to go along with their business tagline “make the wise choice”. This present incarnation was redesigned and painted by the Muralist De Anne Lamirande in 2017. One hopes that it keeps an eye on the neighborhood in the decades to come.

Welcome to Oakridge Park

This mural was created under the Toronto Street Art program in 2017.

Partner organization: Rexdale Community Health Centre.
Artist: Magicfinnga WonG.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Pollination of Oakridge

'Pollination of Oakridge' mural was designed and painted by De Anne Lamirande of AirWays Airbrushing with the support of the Crossroads Business Improvement Area in September 2016. It is at the corner of Byng Avenue and Danforth Avenue in the Scarborough.

Great Horned Owl Mural

This mural was painted by 'Magicfinnga WonG' under the Crossroads of the Danforth BIA program. Great Horned Owl has a special significance in the mythology of a number of Native American tribes. The six circular images below the main mural depict this relationship in the First Nations West Coast Art style.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Found Cat

This is the first time I have seen a 'Found Cat' poster. It is always the other way round. At first glance, it seems that this dear tabby has decided to adopt new parents and now refuses to leave. But then I checked the website mentioned in this poster. It is a free service that helps pet owners to list and locate their lost pets in the US and Canada. There were dozens of posts regarding found pets in the Toronto area along with several heartwarming mentions of 'Back Home/Reunited' or 'Rehomed' ones. Now that is something.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Bell Box Mural at Danforth & Barrington Ave

This Bell Box Mural by Tak Bui depicts the old Queen streetcar and Kew Beach Firehall. It is on the eastern end of the Main Subway station. The mural was painted in 2012 and is still in relatively good condition after weathering elements throughout the years.