Sunday, August 30, 2020

COVID is no hoax

COVID-19 pandemic continues to take lives throughout the world at a steady pace. Still, there are people who believe that it is not a real thing. A few weeks ago someone wrote on this billboard that "COVID is a hoax". Now someone else has smudged the 'a' and added 'No' to this statement.

I see it as a way of a friendly argument between two competing vandalizing persons or groups. Let's see what comes next.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Navigating the urban jungle

Human activity and the expansion of civilization have resulted in habitat loss and extinction of numerous species over time. But a few creatures have also adapted well and even thrived in these new artificial environments.  Squirrels and Racoons are prime examples of this adaptation here in Toronto. The night belongs to the gaze of Racoons in our area, while squirrels hurry from treetop to treetop using the network of phone cables during the day.

Sometimes they tread carefully over the lines keeping a watchful eye around. On other occasions, they zip from one place to another over these slender wires at such astonishing speeds that defies belief. It is always fun to watch the antics of these lovely creatures.